Garden design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. Garden design may be done by the garden owner themselves, or by professionals of varying levels of experience and expertise. Most professional garden designers have some training in horticulture and the principles of design, and some are also landscape architects, a more formal level of training that usually requires an advanced degree and often a state license. Amateur gardeners may also attain a high level of experience from extensive hours working in their own gardens, through casual study, serious study in Master Gardener Programs, or by joining gardening clubs.
When I look at a property I right away see if it looks like one property that flows and catches your eye continually or do you get bored right away ? What catches my eye is different contrasts colours textures and smells . With plants you definitely must have colour contrasts / season planning so your whole yard doesn’t flower all at once and it also catches your eye when touring all year round.
I find new landscape has a harder challange than a older more mature property, the contrasts are harder to make so you have to plan a bit more and use your thinking cap !
I want to talk to you about one strata that we did a face lift two years ago in the busy city of Victoria . This old outdated building had an entrance very unwelcoming ! Their strata had been saving for a while to change it and also after the landscaping was their next step a ” new sign ” . We fliped this front garden into a modern / with older elements .. ie the existing bamboo in background infront of the old green fence !
We ripped the old grass and old junipers / ivy ect ( not my favorite shrubs and replaced with grasses / perennials drought tolerant and easy maintenance ! We added river rock with sea soil in each pocket and along side we put a garden tie divider and gravel for the homeowners recycling bins / garbage cans !
IN our front driveway at our home in East Sooke Right now we have a laylandi hedge along side and half the front of driveway and on the other side of driveway we will put up two fence panels to break the pattern this will add some element to our enterance ! In the front of the hedge is gravel and three boulder rocks and infront of that is two huge beautiful ceramic pots …Adios for now everyone Happy SPring ! Tina Acosta Delgado